Influence of Sea Power Upon History 1660-1783

The book details the role of sea power during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and discusses the various factors needed to support and achieve sea power, with emphasis on having the largest and most powerful fleet. Scholars consider it the single most influential book in naval strategy. Its policies were quickly adopted by most major navies,

Alpha Editions
  • Pages: 558 | Size: 5.5 * 8.5
  • 9788193142271 • Hardback • 42139 • Rs.1450
  • Subjects:
  • Influence of Sea Power Upon History 1660-1783
Alfred Thayer Mahan was a United States Navy admiral, geostrategist, and historian, who has been called the most important American strategist of the nineteenth century. His concept of sea power was based on the idea that countries with greater naval power will have greater worldwide impact; it was most famously presented in this book.